Terms & Conditions for Participation: 

1. Children must be 6 to 16 years old and able to run the booth without their adults interacting with the customers AT ALL. Parents can assist their child when needed, but children must be able to:

a. Take/fulfill orders, and answer questions,
c. Take payment and make change.

If your child cannot do these things with minimal help, either pare down the offering, or wait for a future market when they are able to do so.

2. We welcome children with disabilities or special needs to participate with any necessary parental assistance! Please notify us when you submit your form. 


1. DO NOT answer questions, take orders, handle food or money. You can assist your child when needed, but CANNOT engage customers directly

2. Parents CANNOT take payment. If you choose to use Venmo/Apple Pay, teach your child how to use it beforehand.

3. It’s your responsibility to make sure all adults in your party are aware of and agree to the rules.
4. Sit in the back of the booth, read a book, and act like you’re not listening! Removing yourself (figuratively speaking) is what makes this an incredible learning experience for your child.
Parents, if you don’t follow these rules, you risk your child not being able to participate in the future.


1. Children can sell (almost) anything! It must be handmade, food, games or services.
a. No raw food allowed. - please refer to the 'Food Product Advisory'
b. No animals are allowed unless you provide your own insurance and get approval from the organizer.
c. No fundraisers allowed.

2. Children may NOT sell goods on behalf of their parents. No MLM's.

3. Children must have an active role in the production of their product.


1. All children must register online.
2. There are no waiting lists or standby booths, even if there are cancellations.
3. If you are shortlisted, you will be required to submit a 1minute video clip (information and instruction will be released to shortlisted candidates only)
4. Registrations are not transferrable.


1. You may not pull a car into the market area to unload your items. Wagons work great!
2. If you arrive early, you may form a line at the check-in table but CANNOT enter the market area.
3. If you’d like to be next to someone, simply check in together.
4. Booths are pre-assigned, and you CANNOT choose your space.
5. You must unload and park in the designated areas to respect the venue's requirements.


1. It is one registration per booth, regardless of how many children are selling in it. (You only sell out of one side of the booth.)
2. Children may sell different products in the same booth.
3. Children to bring their own supplies (chairs, tablecloth, decorations, display shelves,  etc.).
4. If children sell anything edible, they must bring a trash can for their customers.


1. The market’s main requirement is that the kids must run the booth and be present the entire time.
2. Children must sell at their booth (no walking the aisles).
3. There is no yelling to attract customers.
4. Please wear gloves if selling food.
5. Bartering is NOT allowed.
6. If you sell out, you CANNOT break down your booth until the end. Put a Sold Out sign on your table and enjoy the rest of the market.
7. About 250-1000 members of the public attend each event.
8. Parents may assist their children when needed, but are not allowed to engage customers directly.
9. Parents cannot sell for their children AT ALL. If the child leaves the booth for any reason, they must put a “be back soon” sign on the table.


1. You are responsible to haul out all your own trash (there usually aren’t dumpsters on site). Leave your booth space clean!

These are exempt foods that do not need a food service permit with Clark County Public Health (CCPH):

  • popcorn and flavored popcorn

  • cotton candy

  • dried herbs and spices processed in an approved facility

  • Crushed ice drinks with no potential hazardous ingredients dispensed from a self-contained machine that makes its own ice (snow cones and shave ice are not included)

  • corn on the cob prepared for immediate service (not held hot)  

  • roasted nuts and roasted candy-coated nuts

  • chocolate-dipped ice cream bars prepared from pre-packaged ice cream bars produced in a USDA or WSDA food processing plant

  • chocolate-dipped bananas peeled and frozen in an approved facility 

  • individual samples of non-potentially hazardous sliced fruits and vegetables

  • whole and uncut fresh fruits and vegetables

  • whole peppers roasted for immediate service

  • If kids are wanting to make baked goods and will donate the proceeds or not taking money for the baked goods, they could fall under this provision: non-potentially hazardous baked goods (such as brownies, cookies and fruit pies) prepared and wrapped in a sanitary manner by a non-profit organization operating for religious, charitable or educational purposes AND with a sign, clearly visible to customers, stating that these items are prepared in a kitchen that is not inspected by Clark County Public Health

 Food needing a food service permit:

  • If kids are wanting to make baked goods and keep the proceeds, they will need to get a food service permit and would need to use a commissary kitchen (no baked goods can be made in a home kitchen under CCPH food service permit).

  • Any foods that need to be hot held or cold held will need a food service permit. This also goes for any drinks with ice in them or fresh fruit, they would need a permit with CCPH.

  • Someone will need a food worker card for the booth – most likely the parent would have to get a food worker card. Food worker testing information

 Food service permit with us: